About the author

Sharvani Mehrish is a former journalist at InfoChoice.

Sharvani's latest articles

Sharvani Mehrish

Do I Need Financial Advice For Credit Card Debt?

First thing to say about this subject is - Don't Panic.Having debt problems can give you serious emotional and psychological stress...

03 Jul 2019
Sharvani Mehrish

Should I choose a credit card, overdraft or personal loan?

You might think that all forms of credit are the same personal loan, overdraft or a credit card but they're not.

03 Jul 2019
Sharvani Mehrish

Another rate cut is coming on Tuesday - or is it?

The Reserve Bank of Australia board meets on 2 July to decide whether to cut interest rates for the second month in a row or leave them where they are now

28 Jun 2019
Sharvani Mehrish

Credit Cards for Bad Credit: Rebuild your score

One of the worst things about having a bad credit rating or credit history is worrying that you'll never manage to dig yourself out of the hole.

27 Jun 2019
Sharvani Mehrish

How to make the most of your credit card's interest free period

Many people think that using their credit card is a straightforward process-you buy an item or a service and you pay off this money, usually with some measur...

21 Jun 2019
Sharvani Mehrish

Does Financing a Car Affect Your Car Insurance?

Explore the relationship between car financing and car insurance. Understand how financing a car can impact your insurance premiums and coverage.

21 Jun 2019
Sharvani Mehrish

How to Get an Unsecured Car Loan with a Low Rate

If you're looking for car loans then you might prefer to find loans with lower interest rates than usual. It's obvious why, as your monthly repayments will.<...

14 Jun 2019
Sharvani Mehrish

Shares vs property vs cash in Australia in 2019

The golden rule of investing is that everyone should have a diversified mix of investments and not 'put all their eggs in one basket.'Traditionally that ...<...

28 May 2019
Sharvani Mehrish

Do I need a financial adviser?

You might like trading in shares, comparing returns on managed funds, looking at interest rates on term deposits and researching property deals yoursel...

28 May 2019