About the author

Harrison is a Financial Analyst and Editor at InfoChoice. Prior to joining the InfoChoice Group in January 2020, he worked for some of Australia's largest comparison sites and media organisations.

With a keen interest in the economy, housing policy, and personal finance, Harrison strives to deliver and edit news and guides that are engaging, thought-provoking, and simple to read.

In the media

Savings.com.au · Harrison Astbury on 2NUR FM

Harrison's latest articles

Harrison Astbury

Quest for growth: Macquarie Bank reprices variable-rate home loans

Following moves on fixed rates last week, Macquarie Bank has slashed rates on a wide variety of variable-rate home loans. Is this a signal of things to come?...

30 Jan 2024
Harrison Astbury

The term deposit downhill slide continues

This week, customer-owned banks such as Bank Australia and Move varied term deposit rates, while other leaders such as Judo and Macquarie Bank continued wiel...

25 Jan 2024
Harrison Astbury

Why the negligible difference in interest rates between deposit sizes?

Over the past few months, the interest rate margins have narrowed on those borrowing more than 80% of their property's value and less than 80%, with fewer in...

24 Jan 2024
Harrison Astbury

ME Bank fined $820,000 by ASIC over home loan issues

Corporate regulator ASIC has ordered ME Bank pay a fine of $820,000 after it misled customers on home loan notices and failed to provide notice on interest r...

19 Jan 2024
Harrison Astbury

Mixed messaging on RBA rate front clouds mortgage movements

As all four major bank economics teams have pencilled in a hold at February's RBA cash rate meeting, this week was a relatively quiet one on the home loan ra...

19 Jan 2024
Harrison Astbury

Has Australia tamed the inflation dragon?

Australia may be in a period of disinflation - a slowing pace of inflation - but rising shipping costs and persistently strong employment figures, could caus...

18 Jan 2024
Harrison Astbury

Aussie Dollar stronger against the Japanese Yen and other currencies - time for a holiday?

Talk of other central banks loosening monetary policy, and geopolitical issues, mean the Australian Dollar (AUD) has appreciated in value compared to a year ...

16 Jan 2024
Harrison Astbury

Home lending volumes rise - for those that can afford it

The value of new owner occupier home loans rose 0.1% in November while the number rose 1%, according to ABS data.

12 Jan 2024
Harrison Astbury

Big Four Banks of Queensland Compared

Four prominent Queensland institutions rose from the wild west of banking in the late 19th and early 20th centuries - Suncor...

22 Dec 2023
Harrison Astbury

How will Aussies' household budgets, finance, and share portfolios perform in 2024?

2023 was a tumultuous year for Australian households and their personal finances. They might need to stick out six more months of rockiness in 2024 before ra...

21 Dec 2023
Harrison Astbury

How will Australia's economy and inflation outlook fare in 2024?

Economists have tipped austerity to continue in the first half of 2024 but this could change with confidence returning to market if the RBA cuts the cash rat...

21 Dec 2023
Harrison Astbury

What's 2024 got in store for property values and homebuying?

We can stick a fork in 2023, because we're pretty much done. So what's 2024 got planned for property, and homebuying?

21 Dec 2023